

March 24, 2020

Practice Hospitality. Especially During a Pandemic… GUEST Rosaria Butterfield.

Practice Hospitality, Especially during a Pandemic (article)

March 24, 2020

“Providing immediate, tangible care for our neighbors demonstrates our love for them and our desire to do good for their bodies and souls.”

What is Hospitality? (audio)

Why to bring strangers into your home, and how the hospitality of Christians opened her to the gospel. For Family Life Today.

An Interview with Rosaria Butterfield (audio)

Discussing Openness Unhindered, and the importance of hospitality and the normal means of grace. For the Council of Biblical Men and Women.

Loving the Stranger: Awakening & Hospitality (VIDEO)

The importance of hospitality and how the Lord uses it to bring people to faith and grow them in Christ. For Ligonier's 2018 National Conference.

What Is Truth? (audio)

What we give up to be a Christian, and how to defend marriage with love. For Family Life Today.

Prayer Walking with Your Neighbors (audio)

The mercy and grace found in prayer and hospitality.